Table of Contents


The settings listed below are general guidelines based on our experience working with church services. Optimal encoding settings depend on your source video quality, the amount of motion in your recording and the capabilities of your viewing audience.

On demand and simulated live multirate streaming for desktop and mobile

Multirate streaming provides the best results for simulated live and on demand videos. You provide a master or near master quality file which we then re-encode into multiple formats. This is triggered automatically when you upload any file with a bit rate of 2500k or higher. Although we accept almost any format for this, we recommend the following:

File Format MP4 / MOV
Video Codec h.264 Main or High Profile
Video Resolution and Rate 1280×720 @ 5000k or 1920×1080 @ 8000k
Audio Codec AAC
Audio Channels and Rate 128k mono or 256k stereo
Est File Size 3GB/hr

On demand and simulated live streaming for desktop

File Format: MP4 / MOV Video Codec: h.264 Main Profile Audio Codec: AAC Audio Channels: 1 (Mono) Audio bit rate: 48-64k

4x3 Video:

Resolution Bit Rate File Size*
320×240 300 180MB
480×360 450 250MB
640×480 600 325MB

16x9 (Widescreen) Video:

Resolution Bit Rate File Size*
320×180 250 150MB
480×270 450 250MB
640×360 600 325MB
960×540 800 425MB
1280×720 1200 625MB

* Estimated file size for a 1 hour video

On demand and simulated live streaming for mobile devices

In most cases, we will re-encode your source video for mobile streaming (requires a Plus or higher account).

Live Streaming

In most circumstances, we recommend matching the size you plan on embedding the live stream on your page, with a recommended maximum of 640×480 for desktop and 320×240 for mobile. If you are using the live stream for multi-site or know your audiences systems can support it you can normally run a live stream up to 2000kbits/second before special provisions need to be made to deal with very high bit rate streams.

Church Online uses a embed size of 480×270 for 16:9 and 480×360 for 4:3. We recommend running two streams. One at the embed size, and one at 4x the embed size. Keeping an even multiple of the width and height prevents scaling artifacts.

16x9 (Widescreen) Video: Recommended Live Bit Rates

Resolution Min Max Ideal
480×270 360 805 540
640×360 480 1073 740
960×540 720 1610 1080
1280×720 960 2147 1440
1920×1080 1440 3220 2160