Table of Contents

Smart TV and Set Top Box Customization

Light Cast Media provides TV applications for Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Android TV. Support for 4th generation and newer Apple TV is in progress. Support for Kodi, Plex is also planned.

Chromecast and Airplay support should work on existing Chromecast and all Apple TV units through regular playback from your browser (chromecast) or iPhone/iPad (Apple TV)

For all devices, please use our Photoshop templates to generate your icons and header graphics. A 5% safe zone is used for all devices to prevent problems with overscan.

PSD IconTemplatePSD Header Template

Roku Channel Customization

We provide several options for playback on Roku devices.

Customization Requirements

All files must be provided in the exact resolutions and file names listed.
  1. Icons - Roku requires icons in multiple sizes/formats. For your convenience, we have provided a photoshop file with guides to create your icon artwork. Your artwork should fill the entire area, but have all important content between the guide lines. The text/logo should be legible when scaling down to the smallest size. Icon artwork must not use transparencies or rounded corners . If you choose to manually edit each size, here are the sizes:
    1. icon_fhd.jpg - 540×405 - save with “very high” setting in photoshop
    2. icon.jpg - 290×218 - save with “very high” setting in photoshop
    3. icon_sd.jpg - 214×144 - save with “very high” setting in photoshop
    4. icon_focus.png - 336×210 - can be jpg or png. If JPG, use “very high” setting.
    5. icon_focus_sd.png - 248×140 - can be jpg or png. If JPG, use “very high” setting.
    6. side.png - 108×69 - can be jpg or png. If JPG, use “very high” setting.
    7. side_sd.png - 80×46 - can be jpg or png. If JPG, use “very high” setting.
  2. Splash Screen
    1. splash.jpg - 1280×720
    2. spash_sd.jpg - 720×480
  3. Overhang area - We will need artwork for both SD and HD. We have provided a photoshop file to help you with this. The overhang can either be a full banner (overhangbackground.jpg - 1280px for HD, overhangbackground_sd.jpg - 720px for SD) or a 1px wide repeating slice (overhangslice.png) combined with a logo (logo.png). Any important content (logo, text) must be within the safe zone (64×36 from top left for HD, 36×24 from top left for SD). Use the template as a guide.
  4. Colors - please provide hex codes
    1. BackgroundColor
    2. ListScreenTitleColor
    3. ListItemHighlightText
  5. Text / Descriptions for Roku web site and channel store. Roku does not allow new lines / paragraph breaks.
    1. Channel name - up to 30 characters
    2. Description - up to 300 characters
    3. Key words - comma separated, up to 255 characters
    4. Web Description - up to 1500 characters.
  6. Some additional customizations such as text changes may also be made at no additional charge.

Amazon Fire TV Channel Customization

All Amazon Fire TV devices are HD only. For simplicity, we render all interface elements at 720p, although higher resolution video playback is possible with our applications.

Customization Requirements

  1. Amazon requires app icons in 2 different sizes/formats. 114×114 and 512×512. This can be in JPG or PNG format.
  2. The Home/About, Live and Video On Demand icons can be customized. They should be square with a resolution of 512×512 and must look clean/easy to read when scaled down to 240×240.
  3. For the overhang/title bar area, we can use a combination of logo and background color or image. With our default layout, we use a 150×54 image. The navigation area is normally 1280×140 or 1920×155.
  4. The entire page background can be customized.
  5. Colors and gradients. Please provide a primary text color, secondary text color and any background colors or gradients used for menu highlights. If you would like to use a gradient, please provide the appropriate CSS rules.

Android TV Channel Customization

The Android TV app is largely the same as the Fire TV app. Additional requirements for the Google Play Store for Android TV include a 1024×500 feature graphic and a 320×180 banner graphic.